Thursday, July 30, 2009

Elk in the Pasture

This morning at 7:00 I looked out my back window to see 6 beautiful Elk. A bull, four cows and a half grown baby grazing in my pasture. They are the most beautiful and mysterious animal I have ever seen. They are like ghosts. They just slip in and out of the bushes . You can hardly tell they are moving. I watched for about a half an hour and then they just slid away.
I hope to get a nice picture someday to post. They aren't close enough yet for my camera.
However on a different note:
My son has Elk in his front yard and he has a very nice little garden. So far they have eaten his lettuce, cukes and pepper plants..
You are asking : Why doesn't he put up a fence WELL he didn't know they were there until the last few days. We are hoping they dislike Tomatoes. LOL
These beautiful animals can also be very destructive.

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