Thursday, December 20, 2018

Time Goes Way to Fast. How Will I Ever Catch All This Up to Date

Christmases have come and gone. Bad things have happened, Good things have happened. Babies have been born . Life is moving way to fast for me.
Two years ago my oldest son had 2 strokes and a heat attack. but thank heavens he made it and is doing well. We are so lucky to have him. It was very scary.
I have 2 new great Grandsons, 1 year old and 2 years old. Our great granddaughter will be 5 the end of December. It is hard to believe that she is that old already. One granddaughter graduated last June . Four grandkids are driving . The youngest is a beautiful dancer, The two older ones are married, to great husbands and have sweet babies.
I continue to love my little farm. My sheep are gone but hope to have a couple more when we get new fences up. I have 3 goats that I dearly love. All females . The oldest one had triplets this summer. The cutest little babies you have ever seen.
My husband is working from home now and refuses to retire. He built a Man shake and it is almost finished. It is very cool and he loves it.
We had a house fire last December . Mostly smoke damage but we had to move out of our house until March. I have been trying to get moved back in since then and it has been so slow But I am almost there. I had over 500 boxes to unpack and put back in place. Horrible.
I will attach some random pictures and hope to keep this blog going  better than what I have.
 Sadie, our dancer
 G.W. and this years Deer
 Jake and this years Deer
 Great Granddaughter Addi and Granddaughter Megan (Addi's Mom )
 Great Grandson Caleb and Granddaughter Megan ( Caleb's Mom )
Granddaughter  Hailey at her graduation this year and me
 Four of my ducks
 4 Generations Bill, Grant, Kendra and Brock
 My goats and the babies

Granddaughter Rebecca and her pig at fair for FFA

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